Saturday, September 5, 2009

Songs for freedom

i)Often I peer at life

Date: July 2000

Context: Singapore… for years there have been inner struggles, “Lord how long, before I am granted the freedom for which I long ?” One of my favourite verses, during these 4 to 5 years of angst was Psalms 42:11, “… for I shall yet praise Him” .
This poem and the next, were written in that context.

Often I peer at life,
With a storm tossed, weary heart.
For years I’ve had a sigh
“Lord from my chains set me apart”.
Till this day it’s not dawned
But still I plod along...

…Decisions I will make
As I go amidst the throng.
I may be right, I may be wrong,
But this my heart cry all along
“From all that today binds me,
I want to be set apart.”

ii)I gaze…

Date: Sept 2000

Standing on a ledge
I gaze…
The vision is blurred
Perplexity reigns.

What is the life
You promised Your people?
Is it one weak
Held by our will?
If that be true
Will I remain?

What is consistency,
Steadfastness and truth?
How can a mortal man
Be true?

Emotions sway
Swings with the wind,
Despair and ecstasy
Are just around the bend.

What is the life
Of which u said:
God graciously, started leading me to the freedom of heart and mind for which I yearned, from early 2002. I cannot say, that I (today in 2009) am as free as I ought to be… but I believe the humblest in Jesus, are the happiest and the most free… I press on…

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