Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A new covenant... Him not me

My bag of stones are nearly empty
Which I used to cast at men.
For I have seen Infinite mercy
Mostly shown, to my own sin.

Lesser are my demands on others
Fewer things can trouble my heart.
For I have learnt to lean on Mercy
On His strength, where I am faint.

Ministry, is no more my doing,
But simply abiding in Him.
Less is the stress of unfulfilled longings
For I've seen myself accepted in Him.

More than my fasts, prayers or longings
He has chosen to show me Him.
I wish I knew more of this before
But better late, than never in.

Thank you Jesus, Thank you Saviour,
For calling, choosing me, in Him.
I've started to see a life unshaking
And it's not mine, but His own will.

1 comment:

  1. You're writing after a long time Josh and it really seems like a new beginning. Really liked this line: "Ministry, is no more my doing,
    But simply abiding in Him." I have often debated with folks who have a 'soul-winning' mania and asked them that if they were left paralyzed and incapable of doing anything for themselves, would God love them any less? Salvation is by faith in Christ and not by works. In fact, we are His workmanship created for good works. Period. What kind of good works differs according to our calling. At the end of it all, May Jesus Christ be praised.
