Thursday, August 12, 2010

The paths of peace

Verse:For the kingdom of God is ... peace... (Rom 14:17)

The paths of peace we ought to tread
Throughout our course in life.
That keeps our souls from painful dread
And unsettling clouds, in our minds.

It's a heart subdued before the will of God
That this path of peace does find.
This mind, has but one goal in life
To say, "Father not my will, but Thine.".

Why toil my soul, like the weary years ago
Questioning the events of life?
For e'en the things that have thwarted your rights
Are part of what, the good Father supplies.

Unshackle your chains, throw asunder your pains
Walk in the freedom of God.
For that is your right, your blood-bought right
To live in the Kingdom of God!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The way I('d) walk

Verse: A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. (John3:27)

In life I walk through open doors
That unfolds its hinges b'fore me.
That's for me, no sign of sloth
But my Father's sweet will for me.

We may strive to go in the path we set
Thinking, "It is right for me!".
But keen an eye for strife and fret
For then the Father, with you, may not be!

I believe, in a yearning heart
Seen and known by none, but me.
For the word has said that He would grant
All my heart's desires, to me.

While our needs we think, are A or B
Remember, there is a God who sees.
He keeps a count of every pining pulse
And in is own time, blesses you and me!

As for those doors, which today seem firmly shut
"Open them Lord!", I plead
With eager eyes and a longing heart
I keep looking unto Thee.